VisionNet API Submission Search - Document Listing

All requests must first be Authorized and must use the HTTP GET method over HTTPS. Results are encoded int UTF-8.

Allows you to get the submission details for a company or specific submission. You should supply either sub_num or else both company_num and company_bus_ind.

The listing of documents (this submission search feature) is free to call. Actually accessing the PDF documents in the "Document Request" will be charged.{{DOC_ID}}&sub_num={{SUB_NUM}}&doc_num={{DOC_NUM}}&company_num={{COMPANY_NUM}}&company_bus_ind={{COMPANY_BUS_IND}}&document_type_code={{DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE}}&sortBy1={{SORTBY1}}&sortDir1={{SORTDIR1}}&sortBy2={{SORTBY2}}&sortDir2={{SORTDIR2}}&skip={{SKIP}}&max={{MAX}}&format={{FORMAT}}&htmlEnc={{HTMLENC}}
Parameter Type Description
doc_id Positive Integer A unique document identifier. This is a NUMBER type, and is commonly 9 digits.
sub_num CHAR(9) A unique String representing a submission of document(s) to the CRO. One submission may contain multiple documents, such as the Annual Return and a set of Accounts. This was a number prior to December 2020, so if you were using version 1 of our API you will need to make code changes.
doc_num Positive Integer If you only want to get one document from a submission, then you can pass the submission document number. This can be up to nine digits long.
company_num Positive Integer The Company Number Or Registered Business Number as defined by the CRO. If the company_num is supplied then you must supply company_bus_ind as B or C.
company_bus_ind C or B C) Company
B) Registered Business Name
This can be omitted if company_num is not provided.
document_type_code as in lookup Optional. Document type code filter. It is possible to provide up to 50 comma separated codes
sortBy1 String The first level of sort for the results. Choose from the following options:
sub_num (default, descending)
sortDir1 ASC or DESC Sort ascending or descending (default)
sortBy2 String The second level of sort for the results. Choose from the following options:
sub_num (default, descending)
sortDir2 ASC or DESC Sort ascending (default) or descending
skip Positive Integer The number of results to skip. Useful if paging through results.
max Positive Integer The maximum number of results to return. We will only return a maximum of 250 results per search, so it cannot be higher than 250.
format XML or JSON Return the results in XML (default) or JSON format.
htmlEnc 0 or 1 If set to one, then String fields will be encoded in HTML format. For XML this parameter is forced to 1. For example, ampersands will be encoded as &

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